Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • here are my plans i have none i dont know what im going to do on prom but i know im going.
  • im going to college in state probably a city college or westwood or chicago st
  • about finding a wife im not even thinking about that right now all i can say is im not trying to get held down any time soon
  • passing this semester is what everyone should be focused on im trying to pass everyclass so i could get a good start for credit semester.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

who knows me best

if i were to say a person who loves me best it would be my mom because she has been the person i talk to alot and been around alot a close second would be my dad because he knows me just as well. when someone knows u best they probably know u from birth or has been around u a lot like a close best friend or a cousin know tell me who knows u best.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

favorite memory of spring

my favorite memory of spring was last year. when i was doing community service for grand crossing park district with a few buddies of mine and we would hang out all day playing basketball when we were done with our work which was easy and done fast we had so many hours because it was fun the weather was good and we had nothing else better to do.